Immunomanager: a novel webtool to address toxicity of immunotherapy

BJMO - 12, issue 3, february 2018

S. Aspeslagh MD, PhD

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Current immunotherapeutic approach to bladder cancer

BJMO - 12, issue 3, february 2018

E. Seront MD, PhD


Multiple immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are currently available for the treatment of bladder cancer. The question raised by Dr Seront in his lecture was: “which agent should be used for which patient?”

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What you should not have missed in 2017

BJMO - 12, issue 3, february 2018

L. Dirix MD, PhD


It has become a yearly tradition during the annual BSMO meeting to have a presentation by Dr Luc Dirix discussing the top stories in oncology over the past year. The 2018 edition was no exception.

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