Highlights in gynaecological cancers

BJMO - volume 11, issue 4, september 2017

J. Kerger MD, PhD

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Highlights in head and neck cancer

BJMO - volume 11, issue 4, september 2017

P. Specenier MD, PhD

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Highlights in breast cancer

BJMO - volume 11, issue 4, september 2017

T. Feys MBA, MSc, H. Wildiers MD, PhD

This report will discuss a selection of key studies related to breast cancer discussed during the 2017 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. ASCO 2017 featured important new data generated with CDK4/6 inhibitors in patients with advanced breast cancer and included several abstracts considering the potential of PD-L1 inhibition for breast cancer. In addition to this, updates of several large phase III studies, including MARIANNE, ALLTO and APHINITY were presented. For a more complete overview of breast cancer news presented at ASCO 2017, we refer to the ASCO annual meeting website (

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Highlights in respiratory oncology

BJMO - volume 11, issue 4, september 2017

J. Vansteenkiste MD, PhD, E. Wauters MD

At ASCO 2017, 195 abstracts in the feld of respiratory oncology were presented (169 in 2016): 22 oral presentations (including 4 in a clinical science symposium), 24 poster discussion items, and 149 posters. In this summary, most attention will go to phase III randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and innovative data that are, or may become, relevant for the practicing clinician. As this report is only the “extract of the abstracts”, the reader is referred to the respective abstracts published in J Clin Oncol volume 35 Suppl 15, 2017 (abstracts #8500–8586 and #9000–9107 and available on-line at

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Highlights in melanoma

BJMO - volume 11, issue 4, september 2017

T. Feys MBA, MSc

The melanoma abstracts discussed in this highlights report will focus on three main themes. First, three abstracts will be discussed addressing adjuvant therapy in patients with high-risk melanoma. Secondly, long-term data were presented of a phase III study assessing pembrolizumab in ipilimumab-naïve advanced melanoma patients, followed by the 5-year overall survival (OS) data of a study with dabrafenib and trametinib in BRAFV600 mutant metastatic melanoma. The third and last part of this summary will discuss the data of three clinical studies looking into the treatment of melanoma patients with brain metastasis. For a more complete overview of melanoma data presented at ASCO 2017 we would like to refer to the official congress website (

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Highlights in genitourinary cancers

BJMO - volume 11, issue 4, september 2017

T. Vermassen PhD, S. Rottey MD, PhD

From June 2nd till June 6th, Chicago was host for the 53rd ASCO annual meeting. The theme for this year’s venue was ‘Making a Difference in Cancer Care WITH YOU’. With over 35,000 registered attendees from over 100 countries worldwide and almost 6,000 submitted abstracts, this year’s meeting was a great success. This report will highlight 7 key studies concerning genitourinary cancers presented during the meeting.

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Highlights in gastrointestinal cancers

BJMO - volume 11, issue 4, september 2017

K. Papadimitriou MD, M. Rasschaert MD, J. Van den Brande , M. Peeters MD, PhD

The 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) took place once more in Chicago from June 2 to 6, bringing together more than 30,000 oncology professionals from around the world. This year’s meeting theme is “Making a Difference in Cancer Care with You.” Studies spanning the spectrum of GI cancer prevention and care, from new standards of care to immunotherapy and precision medicine, will be highlighted.

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