P.08 A prospective study on the impact of a NET specific multidisciplinary tumor board on individual treatment plans

BJMO - 2017, issue 3, february 2017

W. Lybaert MD, T. Vandamme MD, M. Simoens , I. Dero MD, W. Demey MD, T. Rondou , A. Cuypers , P. Abrams , C. Mattelaer , A. Driessen MD, PhD, B. Op De Beeck , O. D’Archambeau , G. Roeyen , L. De Backer , M. Peeters MD, PhD, NET specialists NETwerk Steering Committee

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P.09 Tamoxifen metabolism and breast cancer efficacy in the neo-adjuvant or metastatic setting – a prospective multicenter trial

BJMO - 2017, issue 3, february 2017

L. Jongen , P. Neven MD, PhD, A. Lintermans , K. Van Asten MSc, C. Blomme , D. Lambrechts PhD, A. Poppe , H. Wildiers MD, PhD, A.S. Dieudonné , J. Decloedt , P. Berteloot , D. Verhoeven MD, PhD, M. Joerger , P. Vuylsteke MD, W. Wyendaele , M. Casteels , S. Van Huffel , W. Lybaert MD, J. Van Ginderachter , R. Paridaens , I. Vergote , V. Dezentjé , B. Van Calster PhD, H-J. Guchelaar

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P.15 Abiraterone acetate associated rhabdomyolysis

BJMO - 2017, issue 3, february 2017

B. Van Den Heuvel MD, H. Celen , L. Dirix MD, PhD, J. Vandebroeck , A. Rutten MD

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P.11 Outcome and relapse pattern between squamous cell and adenocarcinoma of the cervix

BJMO - 2017, issue 3, february 2017

K. Couvreur , K. Vandecasteele MD, PhD, P. Tummers , A. Makar , R. Van Den Broecke , H. Denys MD, PhD

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P.12 Oncological Home-Hospitalization in Belgium – Concept for optimizing ambulant cancer care

BJMO - 2017, issue 3, february 2017

L. Cool , J. Missiaen , D. Vandeghinste , S. Degraeve , M. Desmedt , M. Lycke , T. Lefebvre , H. Pottel , V. Foulon , P. Debruyne MD, PhD, D. Vandijck , K. Van Eygen

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P.13 Tumour Databanking in Belgium: a central role for the BVT, the nationwide Belgian Virtual Tumourbank

BJMO - 2017, issue 3, february 2017

K. Vande Loock , E. Van der Stock , A. Debucquoy , M. Slabbaert , K. Vos , K. Emmerechts , L. Van Eycken , V. Grégoire

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P.14 Launching ‘NETwerk’: diagnosis and treatment of neuroendocrine tumors within a multi-institutional collaboration in the region of Antwerp-Waasland in Belgium

BJMO - 2017, issue 3, february 2017

W. Lybaert MD, T. Vandamme MD, M. Simoens , P. Abrams , W. Demey MD, T. Rondou , M. Ulenaers , G. Vanhoutte , M. Peeters MD, PhD, NET specialists NETwerk Steering Committee

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