
High-risk localised prostate cancer: the role of surgery and the development of clinical outcome prediction models

BJMO - volume 8, issue 5, december 2014

S. Joniau MD, PhD, H. Van Poppel MD, PhD

This PhD thesis is aimed at elucidating some very important issues on high-risk prostate cancer: How can high-risk prostate cancer best be defined? Can we clearly define demarcated prognostic subgroups within the high-risk prostate cancer group which could allow improved patient counselling, comparison of different treatment strategies and proper trial design? What are the outcomes of surgery in high-risk prostate cancer and how can we identify those patients within the heterogeneous group of high-risk prostate cancer who would benefit most from surgery?

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2014;8(5):220–3)

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Current perspectives on the use of the Gleason grading system for prostate cancer

BJMO - volume 6, issue 2, april 2012

T. Gevaert MD, PhD, H. Van Poppel MD, PhD, S. Joniau MD, PhD, D. De Ridder MD, PhD, E. Lerut MD, PhD

For more than four decades the Gleason score is the most widely accepted histopathological grading system for prostate cancer. It is a 5-tier grading system that correlates with tumour differentiation and is solely based on architectural patterns within the tumour. Although robust over time, revision of Gleason grading became unavoidable as diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer also underwent an enormous evolution over time. In 2005 the International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) proposed several modifications to the Gleason system which should keep this grading system timely. This review compares the original system to the modified Gleason system and especially focuses on the prognostic relevance of the modifications. It further deals with the question if the Gleason system will be able to keep its prominent role in the diagnostic and prognostic algorithm for prostate carcinoma, especially in the nearby molecular era. (BELG J MED ONCOL 2012;6:45–51)

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