
Molecular test algorithms for breast tumours

BJMO - volume 13, issue 2, march 2019

A. Hébrant PhD, K. Punie MD, PhD, F.P. Duhoux MD, PhD, C. Colpaert MD, PhD, G. Floris MD, PhD, K. Lambein MD, PhD, P. Neven MD, PhD, M. Berlière MD, PhD, R. Salgado MD, PhD, M. Chintinne MD, PhD, K. Dahan MD, PhD, S. Dedeurwaerdere MD, J. De Grève MD, PhD, A. de Leener MD, PhD, H. Denys MD, PhD, R. de Putter MD, PhD, L. Desmyter PhD, M. Baldewijns MD, PhD, D. Feret MD, C. Fontaine MD, C. Galant MD, PhD, P. Hilbert PhD, J. Janssens MD, PhD, D. Larsimont MD, PhD, P. Lefesvre MD, PhD, T. Sticca PhD, M-D. Tkint de Roodenbeke MD, G. Van Den Eynden MD, PhD, I. Vanden Bempt PhD, C. Van den Broecke MD, I. Vandernoot MD, C. Sotiriou MD, PhD, J. van Dorpe MD, PhD, H.A. Poirel MD, PhD, E. Van Valckenborgh PhD, G. Raicevic PhD, M. Van den Bulcke PhD, P. Aftimos MD


In order to advise the Federal Government on all matters related to personalised medicine in oncology, including the reimbursement of molecular tests, the Commission of Personalized Medicine (ComPerMed) has applied, for the breast tumours, the same methodology as previously applied for the digestive tumours. Meaning, the different molecular tests, represented in the shape of algorithms, are annotated with test levels — which aim to reflect their relevance based on current available data and to define the reimbursement — and are documented with recent literature, guidelines and a brief technical description.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2019;13(2):40–45)

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Belgian consensus guidelines for prostate core needle biopsy reporting

BJMO - volume 12, issue 6, october 2018

T. Gevaert MD, PhD, L. Libbrecht MD, PhD, E. Lerut MD, PhD, B. Weynand MD, PhD, M. Lammens MD, PhD, S. Verschuere , C. Mattelaer MD, B. Lelie MD, J. Eben , L. Martinez , M-A. van Caillie , S. Rorive MD, PhD, S. Verbeke , M. Baldewijns MD, PhD

The Belgian Working Group on Uropathology has agreed upon a dataset for prostate core needle biopsy reporting, based on existing international guidelines, recent scientific insights, national survey analysis and panel discussion, with the focus on a user- and receptor-friendly format. This dataset should encourage standardised structured reporting of prostate biopsies in the Belgian healthcare system, aiming to improve the quality of individual pathology reports and to provide real benefit for the clinical management of patients and secondary users. Therefore the Belgian Working Group on Uropathology recommends implementing this dataset in each Belgian pathology lab, in close consultation with the entire clinical team involved in the treatment of the prostate cancer patient.

(BELG J MED ONCOL 2018;12(6):279–286)

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